Timeless er sprottin útfrá spennu, stressi og hraða þjóðfélagsins. Allt á að gerast strax og helst í gær.
Um leið og ég vildi gera vinnustaðinn og ...more
Vegir náttúrunnar eru óútreiknanlegir.
Hamför er verk unnið undir áhrifum af skaftárhlaupi.
Stærð: 200cm x 56cm
Efni: Acri ...more
There is nothing more Icelandic than the form of Iceland and it does not spoil the idea that Klakinn means Ice-cube in Icelandic and is a native slang ...more
What comes next to sitting in your mothers embrace is sitting in natures embrace. With modern materials and technique I wanted to take the feeling of ...more
Odinn Flati is a new way og using the famues Iclandic "Flat bread" (flatbrauð).By forming the bread it becomes a exelant edable conteiner. Perfect for ...more